Lime Water Diet, Easy Ways to Lose Weight Naturally

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For those of you who want to lose weight, try drinking lemon juice with warm water in the morning after waking. Lime and warm water is one of the natural remedies for weight loss.

Losing weight is something that is sometimes difficult to do for most people. Usually they tried many diets and food combinations, but with little success. Many are focused on weight loss with lime juice, and claimed to be able to lose weight 1 kg a week.

Lime, has many positive benefits for health. If you want to lose weight, add lemon juice in your diet drinks.

Rich Vitamin C

Vitamin C is, a substance important for someone who wants to lose weight. Vitamin C works to absorb calcium in fat cells, so the weight down.

Rich Citric Acid

Lemon, rich in citric acid, which later enters the body, and healthy digestion. These acids interact with other acids and enzymes in the stomach to aid digestion. High acid content in lime juice helps to reduce the absorption of sugar from the food you eat.

Lemon Water To Lose Weight


  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice, roughly half a lemon fruit.
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 teaspoon honey

How to make:

Mix all the ingredients into a warm lemon drink. Drink when you wake up in the morning, when you wake up.

Besides, can help you lose weight, lemon is also beneficial for keeping the immune system and aid digestion.

The lime juice is very safe to be consumed every day, because it contains no side effects. Besides drinking warm lemon water every morning, try to stay active every day by exercising 20 minutes a day, and also adjust your diet. For those of you who have ulcer disease or gastric disorders consult your doctor if you want to do this diet.