Alkaline Diet, Super Effective Diet Recommended by Victoria Beckham

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Who does not know Victoria Beckham. In addition to beautiful, she has a perfect body that always envied by many women. Not a few who are curious about the diet by Victoria. This time dietplan101 will share the secrets of super effective diet recommended by the wife of David Beckham. Check out the full review over here Ladies!

Alkaline diet or an alkaline diet is a diet to help maintain optimal body pH to encourage you to eat more alkaline foods and limit your intake of foods containing acid. This diet not only will you lose weight only. This diet will also minimize inflammation, boost immunity, and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and cancer.

In this diet you will only be allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, soy, tofu, and nuts. Dairy products such as milk, eggs, meat and processed foods are not allowed.

The theory of this diet is acidic foods will create various causes of diseases in the body such as colds and various inflammatory. In the longer term these foods can also lead to chronic diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and cancer.

The alkaline diet has shown many positive effects. This diet will make stronger bones and muscles, prevent kidney stones, reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as hypertension and stroke, reduce risk of type 2 diabetes, and improves heart health and memory and cognition.

This diet will require you to eat more fruits and vegetables and limit the intake of meat and avoid processed foods. Good luck!